Stichting Oud-Scheveningen
Muzee’s roots lie in an organisation called Stichting Oud-Scheveningen that was set up in 1952 to collect materials that could be made into an exhibition in a separate room in a school on the Badhuisstraat in 1961. In 1970 the cultural and historical collection was transferred to the current school building on the Neptunusstraat. Throughout the years, the name of the museum was changed from the museum of Antiquities and Fisheries to the Museum of Scheveningen. In 2006, the museum joined forces with the old marine biological museum and became Muzee Scheveningen.

In the last few years, Muzee has developed itself from a traditional museum to an interactive Cultuuranker and has become the central place of community in Scheveningen with a strong network of both residents and partners. As a Cultuuranker, Muzee aims to increase the cultural participation of residents and stimulate them to use culture and art to enrich their lives and promote social cohesion. Muzee operates as an integral core where museum, education and participation fortify each other.

Starting points are, for example, the demonstration of life at and with the sea in all its facets where the past (heritage), the present (art) and the future (societal relevance) are all essential. Muzee has a standard heritage collection and a marine biological collection. The roots of Scheveningen are the starting point for all interaction with the world around us.

Since the 1st of January 2020, Muzee Scheveningen is recognized by the authorities as an ANBI (Public Benefit Institution).
Contact information
Address: Neptunusstraat 90-92, 2586 GT The Hague
Phone number: 070-3500830
Email: [email protected]
Chamber of Commerce registration number: 27291868
Fiscal code: NL8171 03 521 B 01
Bank account number: IBAN NL42 INGB 0000 5798 09
Reward Policy
Medewerkers in dienst van Muzee Scheveningen worden bezoldigd conform de CAO Gemeenten.
Multi-year policy plan 2017-2020
Plan 2021-2024
Balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2012
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2013
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2014
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2015
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2016
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2017
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2018
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2019
Jaarrekening en jaarverslag 2020
General Terms and Conditions